Thursday, December 12, 2013

Hot Chocolate-y Goodness

I wrap the needed items for our Advent Calendar and put them on our mantle
so we can enjoy our adventures each day! 
   As a part of our family Advent Calendar every year we do different things to help teach our son that Christmas is about so much more than just Santa and gifts. It is about family, helping others, and (most importantly) about Jesus. One of the ways we encourage family time is with our favorite Christmas movies. We all pile on the couch with popcorn and Hot Chocolate and Nache food and we enjoy watching a good movie together. But let's face chocolate out of the pouches is pretty bland and no one wants to spend a lot a time making hot chocolate from scratch on the stove. So I spent some time researching hot chocolate recipes and found one on Pinterest (shocker, I know :D) that I printed out. I haven't been able to find it since then though so I'm going to include for you a PDF as well as the recipe here. 
   The original is from and is called Best Hot Cocoa Mix. They suggest using it for gifting mainly but I find with a few tweaks and additives it becomes quite delish and amazing for both family time and gifting! 
              Homemade Hot Chocolate

   ~2 Cups Nonfat Dry Milk Powder ( I prefer a higher milk content)
   ~3/4 Cup Sugar
   ~1/2 Cup Unsweetened Cocoa
   ~1/2 Cup Mini Semisweet Chocolate Chips
   ~1/2 Cup Powdered Non-dairy Creamer (french vanilla flavored is pretty good too!)
   ~1/8 Teaspoon Salt

Mix everything together until evenly blended. You can split into fourths at this point and put into Ziploc baggies or you can store in an airtight container for individual use. 

To make one cup: Mix 8 oz of boiling water with 3-4 tablespoons of mix. Stir well.

Additives: Candy Cane Stirrers, Mini Marshmallows, Big Marshmallows, Homemade Whip Cream, Liquor (if your old enough), Chocolate Straws, etc. Let your imagination run wild!

I find that boiling water in the coffee pot and adding to the mix in the cup works best. Everyone's tastes are different so you may like a little more or less mix so play around with it a little.

Christmas is crazy regardless of where you are and how you celebrate. Sometimes taking a moment and just relaxing with a steamy cup of Hot Chocolate surrounded by family is just the thing to take the "Christmas Crazy" edge off. I hope you enjoy this great little way to cut the work out and get straight to the family time!

Warning: Hot Chocolate may cause extreme Sugar High's that
produce Parental Silliness and Toddler Laughter.

Best Wishes,
Jules and Monkey

Friday, November 22, 2013

An honest look at the Church

   I know this post is going to offend some and stir others and frankly, i'm ok with that. I have been a Christian for years and being raised in a family that believed in helping those who needed it lent a hand to attending various churches. My Dad would work as a Music Minister, my Uncle as the Pastor. It offered up an opportunity for me to see churches in a way that a lot of people don't get to. I saw the behind the scenes versions, the deep dark secret versions, the best of the best, and even the worst of the worst. I learned to watch quietly and got very good at diagnosing the true issues that were the root of all the problems. Funny enough it all came down to two issues normally. My church here is no different. Even with the Pastoral search and committee issues it still comes down to the same two issues. 
   So after three years of taking the remarks and underhanded comments I decided I had had enough. If you can't get someone to listen to you in one way then you try another. This video is that other way. Hopefully you'll watch the whole thing. Hopefully it will help you understand what me and so many others like me deal with on a regular basis.

                                                  An Honest Look at the Church

   So tell me, where does Grace fit into your story? Your church? Your version of Love? Your version of God? 

Best Wishes,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Holiday Clean Up!


   How many of you find yourselves scrambling when you realize the Holidays are coming and that means the Family is too? I realized this year that I don't Spring Clean, I Holiday Clean! The floors, beds, pillows, towels, windows, machines, corners, even painting sometimes...and that is on top of the normal holiday decorating and shopping and wrapping and cooking. I'm tired just thinking about it! So here's the deal, I cheat. That's right...I said it, I cheat. Frankly, you should too! The Holidays are crazy for Moms so why should we add more chaos to our already chaotic schedule? I'm all about my Shortcuts and at the Holidays I go into full gear and now you can too!
Our little Monkey hanging out in the wash :)

   Let's start with the Washer. Twice a year you should clean this simply because of the build-up that can happen. That build-up is what causes that mildew smell to get into some of your clothes and towels. Cleaning it is pretty easy. I found a few links via Pinterest that I combined for my favorite cleaning.
  1. Take the middle column of your top loader washer apart. It literally pops off. Put your thumbs on the inside of the top of the column and squeeze the outside with your fingers and pull up.
  2. Pull those those two pieces apart and soak in hot sudsy water and then wipe down with a sponge and rinse with water.
  3. On the Bulk setting with the hottest water, fill your washer and add one cup of Bleach. Let it agitate for one minute and then turn it off for one hour. After that turn your washer on again and let it run through the whole cycle.
  4. Repeat again with one cup of Apple Cider Vinegar. While it is sitting and soaking take a cloth and wipe down the washer on the inside. Get up at the top and around the rim of the washer barrel.
  5. Wipe down the outside with your choice of wipes (clorox, lysol, seventh generation, etc.).
  6. Run the washer through a normal cycle on the hot setting again with no pause.
Your washer is now nice and sparkly clean. Just don't forget to put your middle column back in again before washing your clothes :)

Here are the links I used to get the best clean for my washer!

Because in beach towns, towels happen a LOT!!!!
   The second thing I dove into cleaning is my towels. When visitors come and stay over, they end up using your towels (big and little). You want them to smell fresh and new without having to buy brand new ones. I personally like things that are nice and fluffy too and cleaning them like this can make your towels fluffy again! After awhile towels absorb a build-up of detergent and become less absorbent. It can cause them to smell mildewed and stale. When you get out of the shower and dry off that smell can transfer to you and make you feel like you showered for nothing. As a mom who gets very few relaxing showers I want to make sure my shower smell sticks. I want to smell like my awesome body wash for days not minutes! So I went on a hunt and yet again Pinterest came to the rescue.(
  1. Wash your towels on the hottest setting you can with one cup Apple Cider Vinegar in place of your detergent. Do not use any softener or bleach either.
  2. Once this wash cycle ends restart it with 1/2 cup of baking soda. Try not to let too much time lapse in between  these two washes. This time around I also put in about half a lid of Downy Unstoppables.
  3. I threw the whole load into the dryer as soon as the cycle stopped the second time around. Make sure your dryer vent is thoroughly cleaned off so the towels dry as fast as possible. If you need to run them through the dryer again put the dryer on the air fluff setting. This will not only dry your towels but help restore them to their former fluffy glory!
I spent a good five minutes after pulling all the towels out just smelling the deliciousness of them. I even folded them right away so the cat couldn't get a sniff and try to make my laundry pile her new favorite fluffy spot. :)
Some sheets and blankets are more important than others,
and take more of a beating.
   The beautiful thing is that your bed sheets can be washed the same way as your towels. When they are done pull them out and fold the bottom sheet, top sheet, and all but one of your pillow cases. Tuck your bottom sheet into the middle of your top sheet, lay your pillow cases on top of the bottom sheet, and put the whole sheet "sandwich" into your final pillowcase. Easy storage, less room, and you know what sheet set it is!
Our travel pillows that I made! Straight neck savers :)

   The pillows were next for me. You can do between 2 and 4 at a time in your wash depending on the size of your washing machine. I found that this particular link was beyond helpful! When they were done drying My toddler, hubby, and I pounded on the pillows to straighten them back out and put them back on the beds!
when men help with laundry...all laughter erupts :)
   The best part of all of these is that you can walk away. There are a few active moments in the process and you have to keep an ear out for the change over but all in all you can spend your day doing other things that you want to do like decorating or baking. However, these simple things will make all your visitors this holiday season feel just a little more luxurious and you will feel like you conquered that hosting thing finally! Fluffier pillows, matching sheets, the best smelling towels in town...and that is just the beginning.

   We all know Family is first but at the Holidays everyone seems to jump on this idea even more so. Unfortunately it also comes with judgement and snarky comments at times. Try and remember that not all moms are created equal this year. Some moms may not have more on their plate but different things on their plate. While you and I believe in taking shortcuts to have time with our families someone else may not. Bear in mind that Thanksgiving and Christmas isn't about the best house or decorations or even the best behaved kids. It's about family and the time spent with them. Take your family as they come and love them where they are at. 

Best Wishes,
Jules and Monkey

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Taco Boats

    I have found my new favorite go-to meal for my family. It's fun, versatile, and takes less than thirty minutes start to finish to get on the table. The best part is that it caters to everybody and
their particular tastes. I call them Taco Boats. Now I will walk you through how I make my quick and easy Taco meat but if you have your own family favorite than feel free to use that. The key here is the idea of the boats.

What you need:

93% Lean Ground Beef - 1 lb
McCormick's Mild Taco Seasoning
Small Tortillas (corn or wheat) - 6
Mexi-Mix Cheese
Skillet (I prefer my Cast Iron one)
Jumbo Muffin Pan
Toppings (Lettuce, Tomatoes, Taco Sauce, Sour Cream Guacamole, Etc.)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Start by browning your beef in the skillet on medium heat. I always use a fork and the back of my wooden spatula to sort of pull the meat apart so it gets nice and crumbly and then I put a lid on it and let the meat cook in its own juices for a few minutes before tossing it around a bit. 

Keep repeating the process until the meat is nice and brown and when you break a chunk apart there is no pink in the middle.
My family personally doesn't like the extra grease that you can see, so I drain it off the top.

 At that point I drain the fat out and down the disposal (run some hot water immediately down the disposal and run it so you don't have any issues later down the line with your pipes :D). The back of the McCormick's Package calls for 3/4 Cup of water and the whole pack of seasoning. If your family likes strong flavors that is fine but my family has found that that amount is too much for the toddler's stomach to handle so I use half the package and 1/2 a cup of water. Add that to the meat and stir it around and leave uncovered. The meat is done when the juice has thickened up.

While all of this is happening I wrap my six tortillas up in a paper towel and pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds. when they come out they are soft enough to mold. Push them into the muffin cups like little liners.

Once the meat is done spoon some meat into the tortillas until about 1/3 full.

                   Top with some Mexi-Mix Cheese and pop into the oven.

 I only bake it for about 5-10 minutes. It is enough to melt the cheese and crisp up the edges of the tortillas. While they are baking put the rest of  your toppings in bowls and heat up some more tortillas if wanted. Pull out the plates, napkins, drinks and call the family together.

Do you see the delish crisp on the edges?

Pull the boats right out of the muffin pan and place on a serving tray or directly on their plates.
Our Cat Sgt Sasha scheming how to get her paws on one...

 There is enough room for your family to put their toppings right into the boats and eat with their hands. The best part? It has a little crisp at the top but the bottom is still like a soft taco. and there is enough meat left over to make actual tacos still if your family has that one picky member. :)
Obviously I have some crazy characters in my little world :D
I found him in the fridge one day like a preggo...Apparently he was hot.
Random Pic of your day :)

My son eats his boat with his "poon" because he likes to feel like a big boy but I love diving into them without silverware. They make great appetizers for the football parties or you can dress them up with chicken for the holiday get together's too! The versatility of these are really what I love about them.
One meal, Three ways. My kind of cooking!

This is a recurring theme on this blog and we all know it by now but "family comes first". This meal is quick and easy, it caters to the picky tastes of every one in your family, and you can easily enlist the help of your little ones in the kitchen so they learn about responsibility and you get time with them all at the same time. What more could you ask out of a meal? I know we have enjoyed this new little gem and experimenting with it and I hope you will enjoy it too!

Best Wishes,
Jules and Monkey

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Re-Purposed Cutting Board

    So I have this favorite Aunt-in-Law that for a great present one year gave me this set of 3 Bamboo Cutting Boards. She knows me so well! She cracks me up since she doesn't really do the cooking in her family because she is one of those lucky women who has a man who likes cooking and is good at it. So you know she spent a hot minute in the aisle comparing brands and prices and sizes and what-not...That makes these cutting boards so much more special to me though. To top it off they get used daily for everything! At least until the middle sized one snapped in half right down the middle. I was flat out heart broken and refused to throw out the pieces until I could figure out what to do with it. Then in true Julie fashion, while perusing Pinterest one night, it hit me...a Family Name board! I could just glue it together, stencil our name, paint it, and then hang it in our kitchen appropriately enough. That way I get to keep my cutting board and it means more in its second life than in its first. :) So here we go!

  A Cutting Board
  Stencil in your font of choice
  Paint in your color
  Paint Brush, fine tip
  Paint Board, paper plate worked for me but you can use egg          cartons or even buy a paint plate
  Drill and Drill Bit
  Paper Towels
  Super Glue

    1. Start by placing your stencil where you want it. I tend to just eye my projects because I have a good eye for straight lines but you can draw a straight line in pencil to line your stencils on. Pencil the words on lightly as you want them and feel free to erase and re-write as you need to till you like it.
I'm a messy kinda artist but I work best that way :) I cleaned up for all of you!

The paint will cover the lines in the end and the other lines will erase pretty well as long as you use a quality eraser. Some people do this on wax paper and transfer it but I personally don't like that method. If you do feel free to do so. 
    2. When you are satisfied with your lettering, pour a bit of paint on your plate and dip your brush tip in it and start filling in your gorgeous letters! Try to outline the letters first as it will provide a cleaner look overall and keep the lines as long as possible to keep them from looking choppy. Also, only dip the very tip of the brush in the paint. The less paint on the brush the easier it is to control the brush's movement.
and my Husband works in Finance...Let the comments commence :)
Once the lettering is done let it dry completely. Afterwards drill two holes in the top and thread your ribbon through in whatever manner you like and tie it together.
We did blue for our Military Pride and to match our all boy
decor...Use what works for you though!
Once I got the ribbon to where I liked it I glued it in the holes and the pretty bows in place so they didn't droop.
Once that dried (in about 30 seconds) I put a nail in our wall and hung up our new little masterpiece!

    Hopefully this helps gives you an idea on how easy it can be to save that loved gift and better yet, hang it up for the world to see. Keeping family close even when far away can be tough, but things like this make it easier for us.

Making Easter Rice Krispy Treats
with his dog...Baking from
an early age :)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Best Wishes,
                                  Jules and Monkey

Monday, June 3, 2013

A look into what our world means...

        I am a military spouse. I have three jobs: support my active duty spouse with everything I have, protect and train my children so they understand they are safe and loved regardless of circumstances, and hold onto my faith and who I am without the support that most women need in life. I know that doesn't sound too different than most women's mantras out there but here's the kicker...We do it without the help most people rely on. So here's the deal, I'll let you in on the inside scoop of how some military wives feel if you promise to use it to understand the ones you know instead of using it against us.
I love my husband, I love what he does, and I support what he does for a living. But like any relationship there are going to be areas we disagree on, things that drive us nuts, and frankly
things that make us wanna scream...but at no point do I have the right to blame his job for any of that. He made a decision to be a soldier but I made a decision to be a soldier's wife when I married him. I didn't just get to marry a great man, I married a lifestyle and a way of thinking. But to be honest, his job dictates everything for us. The way we raise our kids, our priority on family nights, the financial situation, the fact that we are the only people we know who have an extensive will before the age of all stems from the military. I personally wouldn't change it for anything. Not until you face the idea of losing a family member to deployment do you actually cherish them and their annoying little habits like eating doritos in bed! To throw a military man's job back at him is the ultimate insult. If you are a new wife...Don't do it! If you are the friend of one...Don't plant the seeds! We believe in what we do, what we stand for, and what we fight for. Even when fighting with each other those core beliefs don't change. So I support him with everything I have.
Vets Parade 2011

My son is my world. My husband and I decided that family was always first so every night we are there to say goodnight to our son and every morning we are there to wake him up. We have been there for every first, every smile, giggle, Dr's appointment, holiday, family night, you name it just
to make sure that our son understands that even though military life
Halloween 2012: Rogue Pirate and SuperDog!

is uncertain one thing is not: He will always be loved. He will always have us. He will always be able to depend on family. Here's the kicker though. We do it on our own. Our son sees his grandparents if he's lucky twice a year. He's only met a handful of his other relatives more than once and the idea of cousins is so foreign to him right now it would be comical if it wasn't so sad. His best friend is his pitbull puppy and he never goes anywhere without his Monkey blanket. If you are in uniform you are ok in his book but otherwise he steers clear because he doesn't know what to make of you. Seeing relatives isn't a reunion it's an introduction, every time. Pictures of people make sense to him but a 3-D version throws him for a loop. Date nights don't happen because we would miss bedtime and while other parents get the luxury of having grandma and grandpa down the street to help out...military don't. There is no break from our children unless we have friends we trust or a rare event that has babysitting. Our family bond is so strong because of the time together and yet it makes even me wonder if it would be healthier for everyone to have a break now and again. But that takes parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins around pitching in. Our break is when we play tag between parents and don't have to get up every time the kid cries at night because he feels he is missing something cool. 

MiMi and Monkey Thanksgiving 2012
 My son is my world by choice because of our lifestyle and because he deserves a sense of security like every other child out there. But I'm a military spouse. I don't get to be just momma and friend and disciplinarian. I'm also aunt and grandma and cousin because he doesn't have that everyday.
We don't just learn about shapes and colors and numbers each day, we learn everyday about our    relatives and what they like and who they are from their pictures so he understands that at the end of the day he is not some little floating iceberg all by himself in the middle of nowhere. He has a family outside of our unit and he is loved even if it is by people he doesn't remember or even know. The one thing I find that annoys so many of us is the line "you've done so well with your child". I know that civilians feel that is a compliment but to's a reminder that yes, "we" have done well. Without the help that so many others get on such a regular basis. I know when my son is
Grandpa and Monkey 2011

older my husband and I will officially be able to take credit for the amazing young man he turns out to be solely because our son isn't being raised by a village like we would like. He's being raised by us.

My faith is important to me. I go to church to lean into my beliefs and get some encouragement but moving every few years leads to very shallow relationships in a church since you are never there very long. In fact no matter where I am I find myself with very few friends and after awhile the ability and desire to make new ones seems to diminish. I find myself wandering through life with a lot of acquaintances and no real connection to anyone outside my family. I make phone calls to the ones I miss and hope we can squeeze in just enough time to play catch up between the craziness of life and if I am lucky it's enough to tide me over. I fight getting up everyday because I am homesick for a home that probably doesn't exist anymore and I throw myself into things that in the long run don't matter but for now give me something to focus on so I don't have to focus on how lonely I am trapped in a town I barely know with yet another new culture to learn. And the real kicker...I still get judged because I don't fit in with them. But I am a military spouse and my husband and son come first. I don't want my husband to ever think he is the reason I am unhappy so I push my feelings aside and put on a smile. I want my son to have a mom not a anti-depressant pill taking robot so I push down how I feel and I do what is best for my son. That's my job. To do what is best
for my family.
Christmas 2011 Papa and Monkey

For my Boys. So regardless of how I feel I get up in the morning and square off with my day and take it one step at a time with my head held high because I am a Military Spouse. I support a Soldier who defends our freedoms and train an amazing little man to be the best Man he can be and I do it without the help and support that most women have daily. I do it without my mom down the street or my sisters around the block. I do it with only my husband by my side and a few phone calls a month from friends. 

 We are stronger than most. We are tougher than most. We also hurt like you, cry silently, and know how to smile and nod because any noise period would give away our true feelings on a matter. We can pack a house in a day and disappear and yet our biggest fear isn't fading away and no one noticing. It's whether we did alright by our husbands and children. Did we show them enough support and love? Did we hug them enough? Do they feel secure enough? We are our own breed of women but at the end of the day when you try to put yourself in our shoes, and you will, remember just one thing...We do this voluntarily because we believe in this. We don't want your pity, just your prayers. And if you can spare a hug that would be great too because with all we give sometimes we could use a refill :).

          With Much Love,
Jules & My Boys

Monday, March 11, 2013

Shepherd's Pie Kid Style :D

Shepherd's Pie!
   I have a thing for tater tots. It's not a secret and frankly it's no small "thing". If you can add tater tots to something I probably have and I will choose them over french fries pretty much any day of the week (except for Arby's curly fries cause let's face it...they're addicting and a-MAZ-ing!) So all that to say this Shepherd's Pie has an awesome kid loving layer of them on top just toasting away :)
    So for starters this is not a difficult recipe it will just seem like it is due to the several steps. Please don't be scared. Just dive in!

Mashed Potatoes
    3-4 large Idaho potatoes, peeled or 4-5 small red potatoes, washed but unpeeled
   2 Tbls 2% milk
   2 Tbls butter
   Salt and Pepper to taste

Meat and Veggies
    1/2 lb lean ground beef (or turkey, sausage, chicken, your choice)
    1 can green peas
    1 can corn
    1 Tbls flour
   2 Tbls 2% milk
   1/4 Cheddar Cheese, shredded
   salt and pepper to taste
   the usual spices  (check Picky Eaters Approved to see)
        Garlic, Onion, Italian
    Cheddar Cheese, shredded
    Tater Tots

Items needed:
   A large boiling pot (for the potatoes) - 5qt at least
   A large skillet (10 inch) or a 2 qt pot (for the veggies)
   Hand Mixer
   A Pie Plate

Side Note: Those who know me know I love love love all things Pampered Chef and all things old school. I would recommend spending a little more on some quality cooking and baking pieces that will last for years over saving money in the short run. It's my one true splurge area so most of the pictures you will see will feature Pampered Chef or Cast Iron. If you want to save money but still be able to buy from certain companies than message me and I will let you in on the secrets and sites that I love and used for all my stuff!

Now to the recipe!

   Wash and quarter your potatoes, peel first if they are Idaho, and place in your large pot. Cover with water and add salt. This is one area you can add flavor without adding calories so salt the water with a good Tbls of salt. Place on the burner and turn on high. Cover and heat to boiling. You want to boil them until they are "fork tender". That just means until you can cut through them with a fork :)
Potatoes just boiling away!

    Heat your skillet to medium high and place your meat in there. Shred it while it is cooking so it is nice and crumbled. Add your Italian Seasoning, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Salt and Pepper all to taste while your meat is cooking. I prefer about 1 tsp of each. I personally use a low 93% lean ground beef so I don't drain the fat off once it is done cooking but if you feel that there is too much grease please drain at this point.
still cooking down...
    With the meat still in your skillet add your veggies. I use peas and corn solely because my child is at that stage right now. You can substitute any veggies you want and make it seasonal even! Out of the two cans I only use one cup of veggies from each. I put the rest in a Tupperware container for other meals or snacks. Another option is the frozen bag of veggies just make sure you get the ones with no added sauces or seasonings. Add 1 Tbls of milk and flour into the pan and stir it together till it thickens up. Add the rest of the milk and stir slowly. It will create a roux. This will help keep your mixture from being to soggy and still have a great sauce for your pie! Add about a 1/4 cup of cheese to the mixture and stir until melted. Set aside.
Final stage...nice and thick.

    Take your potatoes, which should be done by now and drain them. Put them back into your pot and place back on your burner. Turn your burner off. Add the butter, salt, and pepper to it and mash with a hand mixer. Once blended add 1 Tbls of milk at a time and mix. Once they are mashed to how you like them set them aside.

   **Please note that you should always taste your food during prep as long as there is no raw meat or eggs. Everyone has different tastes so please adjust accordingly.**

Favorite ever! Cranberry Stoneware from PC

Take your pie plate and butter it. I use Pam Butter Spray but use
whatever you like. 

Take your potatoes and spread them on the bottom of the pie plate. 

Next spread your veggies and meat mixture on top of that.


Spread a layer of cheese on that and then it is time for the Tater Tots! I always line the rim of the plate with frozen tots kinda like a wall to help keep the juices in. After that place them however you want but line them all over the top. 

    Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until your tots are nice and crispy.


Tater tots done and baked!
    One of my favorite things about this recipe is that it is versatile. You can change the meats for dietary needs, the veggies for seasonal or tastes preferences, and the milk and cheese even to make it more luxurious. During the winter I'll use fresh green beans and corn, buttermilk, and an italian mix shredded cheese. It's amazing how little changes can make a big difference. The other great part is that if you use disposable pie plates (deep dish of course) you can put it together then cover and freeze it. Just pull it out the morning of and by that evening you can cook it like normal! It is seriously a favorite of mine :)


    I know that by now easy is a bit of an expectation but sometimes I like to spend a little more time in the kitchen and make something truly comforting. Just remember that at the end of the day our missions as moms and wives are still the same. It is to provide an environment that our family wants to be in. It is about the smells and sights and sounds of family and happiness and sheer comfort. And sometimes a few extra minutes in the kitchen when we can helps bolster those tough days, rainy evenings, and sad little faces. Just don't forget the hugs to go with it ;)

Christmas 2012, Beau Rivage Casino Lobby

Best Wishes,
Jules & Monkey